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Escuela Del Sol
welcome 2022-11-08T17:37:36+00:00

About us

Escuela Del Sol is an institution dedicated to education, founded in 1966. It functions at the Kindergarten and Elementary levels and is recognized internationally as a school whose cultural values emphasize the relationship between inventiveness, creativity and all round education.

Pre-school Principal: Celina Marini
Elementary School Principal: María Laura Bontempi
Legal representative: Mariana Biró
Escuela Del Sol was founded by Francis L. Sweet and Mariana Biró and it is officialized by the Ministry of Education.

In the first brochure of the school, Sweet made the following reflection: “Humanity evolves at a rapid pace; even though it is impossible to foresee future events, we have the certainty of their increased frequency and magnitude. It is an inescapable duty to give our children the indispensable tools to deal with these unknowns, an optimal development of their ability that allows them to adapt fluent to this new era and thus be able to modify structures.”

Opposed to an academic and authoritarian concept, the new proposal was based on favouring a scientific methodology of authentic, expressive and creative learning. At the same time, it priorized democratic coexistence in the educational community comprising parents, teachers, students and on the revision of the teacher-student relationship, which would be based on affection, respect and commitment.

The name “Escuela Del Sol” was chosen to signify warmth and consistency, which would be the elements present in the work environment by teaching the right techniques. In 1966 the school began working with the Pre-School Section (five-year-old group) and the Elementary Section (grades 1 to 7). Secondary School was added in 1969 with an outstanding staff of teachers and professors.

Throughout the years the continuous changes in education demand updating, the school continues forming independent, positive people, who can exercise self-control, adapt to changes and give the best of themselves. We are gratified to share this with the valuable group of students, teachers and parents of our school.


– Form people who feel, think, act and take responsibility for their actions, and can conduct themselves with real autonomy.
– Foment in students the knowledge and understanding of their country, its history, its language and its culture.
– Exercise creatively individual and group possibilities, in languages, in body expression, artistic skills, literally inclinations, and musical and dramatic works.
– Incite scientific and mathematical thinking, studying the basic principles of science, exercising the hypothetical deductive thinking, investigating and solving problems.
– Develop an inner discipline that can adapt to a variety of circumstances, so that the student can feel responsible for his own behaviour.
– The school wants students and teachers to achieve a true exchange of experiences, where standards emerge from mutual respect and the possibility of a healthy coexistence.

As a general background for programs, planning, working and evaluating, the following items will be applied:

– Common sense
– Mutual level of achievement
– Individuality and creativity
– Responsibility and solidarity
– Open-mindedness, expression, relationship and communication
– Group loyalty

The school requires from the students to work in a systematic and organized manner, so that they can achieve profound knowledge and a true understanding of things. Thus, they will be able to apply in a practical way what has been learned to face real-life situations, individually or in a group.

– In daily work
– In real-life
– In their self-realization

With unity of criteria we aim to direct and guide the behaviour of students in all aspects of life.

The discipline of students within our educational process is based on interest and activity, seeking a system of work that contributes to form responsible attitudes appreciative of the processes and work products for which we apply cause and consequence and clear guidelines.

– Those of us who work at Escuela Del Sol are convinced education shapes the history of mankind.

– We believe that richness of intelligence comes from knowledge and the ability to apply it, from the adequate selection of information and effective solutions.

– We know that the emotional life of the individual is inseparable from his interest in learning, his motivations and his intellectual development.

– We are pioneers in installing a system that is democratic and pluralist, with a responsible and ethical conception and a deep respect for all diversity and difference.

– We work very successfully in developing self-discipline, and emphasize the development of student responsibility, thus permitting him to grow.

Education is more than twoplustwoisfour

To educate is to respect and understand.
It is to know that before two and before four, there is one.
It is to teach to think. It is to open the door for others to come in.
It is to show that the world is full of possibilities. And help discover them.
To educate is to guide, to induce and to allow.
It is to teach the value of diversity and the beauty of “us”.
Educate is all we do to give meaning to the inevitable and marvelous fact that two and two can be four.